10-Foot Wide Batting Cage System

We used to sell a 10-foot wide batting cage. We do not sell one any longer, and there is a good reason for that. Our goal at Batting Cage Inc is to make better hitters, not worse. The problem with a 10-foot wide batting cage is it just does not give you enough room to make your swing natural. The first thing that happens is some young man or some young lady takes a full swing at a baseball/softball and their bat and backswing hits the net. As soon as that happens, they start changing their habits and shortening their swing. The next thing you know, they start creating bad habits in a cage that should be developing good ones.

We recommend at least 12 feet wide; the fact is we think 14 feet wide is better. You want to have a hitting environment that's as realistic and close to a game situation as possible. That is why we do not sell a 10 foot batting cage any longer. We understand that there are other companies out there selling 10-foot batting cages; we know that they not as expensive and there might be a purpose for them, but generally kids will outgrow them very quickly. Kids will learn bad habits and struggle to learn in a way optimal for a game situation.

Why do we practice? We practice so we're better at game time, we want to step up to the plate and be confident that we have a better swing.

10ft wide batting cage net video



If you are in the market for a 10-foot wide batting cage, even though it is not 10 feet wide, we suggest the following product.